A Big Scare publié le 03/06/2010  - mis à jour le 08/06/2010

Hi , I’m back ! I loved every second of my first school trip to England.
Let me tell you about the strangest thing that happened to me in the bathroom in my host family.
I’m sure you’re going to crack up ! I was having a shower, when I noticed that I had forgotten my hairbrush in my bedroom. So I left the bathroom and at the same moment, the Italians students emerged from their room. I was wearing my towel around me ! They saw me ! I turned bright red. I’ve never felt so stupid of my entire life !
Poor Anaelle had the same experience, the Italians saw her in her under clothes ! She turned bright red too !
How embarrassing.....

Anaëlle Montiel et Charlotte Petrow 4C


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