Have you got a present for me? publié le 03/06/2010  - mis à jour le 08/06/2010

When we arrived, the first question of the host family was : " have you got apresent for me ?" Dylan and Guillaume and I didn’t have any present in our case. I’ve never felt so embarrased. Fortunately Milad had a French cake for her, so he decided to give it to the lady and she was very happy. What an impolide personne !
After this first contact, we went to eat in the kitchen with the lady and her husband during the meal she asked : "What do you want to drink ?", Water or orange juice ? Everebody answered orange juice. Then Milad wasn’t very happy because he didn’t like this drink but he never dared to ask another drink so he never drank at meals.

Maxence Mazurier 4C


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Dans la même rubrique

 Where is our house?
 Super night !!!
 Have you got a present for me?
 Laugh Out Loud
  A Big Scare
 On the bus to London.
 What a fright!
 Souvenir from London Eye
 The Lost Wallet