Halloween poems publié le 10/11/2010

Halloween night

The funky witch hat The spooky dark bat The scary black cat It’s Halloween night !!

The terrible red spider
The horrible big vampire
And the big ,horrible...Haunted house !!!!


A sporty Halloween.

A ghost sings a song . A mummy plays rugby. A skeleton plays football. A pumpkin swims. A witch plays tennis. Batman rides a bike. A spider rides a horse. A black cat surfes. A candy skates. A vampire dances disco.

Dylan and Marine


The full moon is yellow It’s halloween party : Children knock at the door and say « Trick or treat » Parents give candies and sweets Children dressed up as a vampire, a witch, a monster laugh The haunted house invites a mummy, a black cat, a skeleton and a ghost...

Clara and Lucie

The children party

This is halloween ! The children wear spooky costumes. The terrible children dance. The pumpkin sings and the haunted house scares the children. Three terrible ghosts wear mummies costumes. The skeleton has a hat. The scarecrow scares the crow. It’s halloween party, it’s funny .

Alice and Elise.

Halloween !

A vampire can play rugby. A skeleton eats an apple. A terrible witch dances a witch dance. Children say « trick or treat ». A ghost eats a sweet.

Aurélien and Emilie.

In the haunted house.

In the big ,big haunted house, There was a small, small ghost. Behind the small, small ghost, There was an orange, orange Jack o ’ lantern. In the orange ,orange Jack o’lantern, There was a white ,white candle. On the white, white candle, There was a yellow, yellow fire.

Romain A and Hugo G.

A sporty Halloween !

A black cat plays tennis, A vampire sings. A tiger rides a bike, A skeleton swims.

It’ s a funny halloween !

Hugo A.


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