Biography publié le 06/01/2009

My name is Jorane. I was born on April 10th 1996. I have got one sister. My father’s name is Michel and my mother’s name is Chantal. I have got brown hair with brown eyes. I am friendly, cheerful and energetic.

My Mother
Her name is Chantal. She was born on March 27th 1968. She has got one sister and five brothers. Her father’s name was Daniel, and her mother’s name is Lucette. She married Michel on August 25th 1990. They had two children : Gwladys and me. She has got black hair with brown eyes. She is grumpy, friendly and energetic.

I have got one sister like my mother.
I am friendly and energetic like my mother.
I am cheerful whereas my mother is grumpy.
I have got brown eyes like my mother.


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