biography publié le 03/01/2009

My biography

My name is Ophélie. I was born on February 20th 1995. I’ve got 1 sister. My father’s name is Jean-François and my mother’s name’s Nathalie. My favourite subjects at school are arts, chemistry and history. I do my best at school. I’ve got brown hair with brown eyes. I am helpful, cheerful, friendly and energetic.

My mother’s biography

Her name is Nathalie. She was born on July 10th 1973. She has got 1 brother. Her father’s name is Guy, and her mother’s name was Mireille. She did her best at school. She has got 2 children : Ophélie and kimberley . She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is cheerful, helpful, friendly and energetic


I have got 1 sister whereas my mother has got 1 brother.
I do my best at school like her.
I have got brown eyes with brown hair like her.


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