Savoir poser des questions sur l'identité de quelqu'un

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Pose les questions correpondants aux réponses données :

His name is Antoine.

He is 14.

He's got two brothers and one sister.

He lives in Thouars.

He's French.

He's got 2 cats.

Her name is Diana.

She's 12.

She hasn't got any brothers and sisters = She's an only-child.

She lives at number 5 Oxford Street in London.

She's English.

She's got 1 dog.

His name's Chris.

He's 15.

He hasn't got any brothers and sisters = He's an only-child.

He's from England but his parents are Australian.

He hasn't got any pets.