The British Isles
Multiple-choice exercise
Choose the correct answer for each question.
The British Isles are composed of:
- Great-Britain and Ireland
- The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
- Northern Ireland and Scotland
The United Kingdom is composed of:
- Great-Britain and Northern Ireland
- Great-Britain and the Republic of Ireland
- England, Scotland and Wales
Great-Britain is composed of:
- Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
- Scotland, Wales and Ireland
- England, Scotland and Wales
London is:
- The English and the British capital
- The Scottish and the Welsh capital
- The Irish and the British capital
Synonym for "Northern Ireland" is:
- Olster
- Ulster
- Alster

This is:
- Stars and Stripes
- God save the Queen
- The Union Jack
The Union Jack is composed of:
- Three red-and-yellow coloured crosses
- The crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick
- Fifty stars and thirteen stripes
Which is NOT an emblem of one of the countries belonging to the British Isles ?
- daisy
- leek
- shamrock
- rose
- thistle
Where exactly is Cardiff ?
- In the north of Scotland
- In Ireland
- On the river Thames
- In the south east of Wales
What is the capital of Ireland ?
- Belfast
- London
- Dublin
- Cardiff
- Edinborough
Scotland is:
- north of England
- south of England
- west of Ireland
- east of Wales

The coloured part on this map is:
- England
- Scotland
- Eire
- the UK
- Wales
- Ulster
- Great-Britain

This is a map of:
- The British Isles
- Great Britain
- The United Kingdom
- The UK

The coloured part of this map is:
- Wales
- England
- Eire
- Edinburgh
- Scotland

This is the ............. emblem.
- English
- Scottish
- Irish
- Welsh

This is one of the two emblems of:
- Wales
- The UK
- Great Britain
- Scotland
- Ireland
- England

The is the emblem of:
- Scotland
- England
- Wales
- Ireland

This emblem of Ireland is called a:
- thistle
- rose
- leek
- shamrock
- daffodil

The Scottish emblem is this:
- rose
- daffodil
- shamrock
- thistle
- leek
The British royal family are the:
- Spencers
- Bushes
- Windsors
- Hanovers